Become a CEF Sponsor Today!
Partner With Us in Building a Bulldog Future!

Thank you for investing in the lives of our students and the future of our community!
On behalf of the Chelsea Education Foundation (CEF), we extend our heartfelt thanks for your valued partnership and support of our mission. By choosing to be a CEF sponsor, you will profoundly impact our students' lives and invest in our community's future. In the 2023/24 school year, we awarded $124,500 towards teacher grants, CHS graduate scholarships, and need-based scholarships such as the 6th grade camp and the 8th grade Washington, D.C. trip. With your help, our aim is to sustain this giving level to the Chelsea School District in 2024/25. Your collaboration will help us reach this goal!
- Choose your amount and submit payment through this page. (If you are making an installment payment, please enter that amount into the “Other” donation amount box.)
- Pay by check, make payable to "Chelsea Education Foundation" and mail to:
Chelsea Education Foundation
PO Box 281
Chelsea, MI 48118
Want to be a sponsor but not ready to make a payment? Click here to submit a sponsorship pledge.
If you have any questions regarding sponsorships, please email us at